Public Talks :: Lectures
I found the lusty mix of joy, laughter, and disgust in your work just fascinating and really compelling.
Vanessa Chang, Curator of ARTOBOTS, CODAME Art+Tech Festival 2018
2024 Artist Talk, Subverting AI, Facultad de Bellas Artes, Altea, Spain.
2024 Borderland performance/dialogue with Anuj Vaidya as Larval Rock Stars, Retreat to a Larval Future, Townsend Center for the Humanities Rethinking Futures seminar, UC Berkeley.
2024 Panelist, The Parallel Worlds of Queercornu(c/t)opia, ‘Wild Energies’ panel of the Contested & Erased Energy Knowledges Conference, hosted by the University of Dundee & University of Edinburgh, in Edinburgh, Scotland.
2024 Artist Talk, Nixtamalízaté-té-té, as part of the FEMeeting Sister Labs, The Sanctuary for Independent Media, Troy, NY.
2024 Artist Talk, Nixtamalízaté-té-té, as part of the FEMeeting SisterLabs Beyond Borders, The Fields Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Toronto, Canada.
2024 Artist Talk, Nixtamalizate-te-te, in the AI & Co-Creativity course at UC Davis.
2024 Lecture, Indigenous Art in the Americas, focused on the art and technology of Andean cultures, Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada.
2023 Artist Talk, The Techno-Tamaladas in Roberta Buiani’s Dreaming of Electric Sheep. Emergent Practices in Communications class at York University, Toronto, Canada.
2023 Panelist, in discussion between select international artists and the curator of the exhibition The Future Past v. Coloniality: Decolonial Media Art Beyond 530 years as part of ACM SIGGRAPH 2023 in Los Angeles, California.
2022 Artist Talk, The Parallel Worlds of Queercornu(c/t)opia, at Mujer Artista - Fast Forward & Rewind, Video Pool, Winnipeg, Canada
2022 Keynote, Theology and Performance, Performing Theology Conference, hosted by Cooperating Institutes: Institute for Catholic Theology Dresden / Syst. Theology, Diocese Dresden-Meißen, Faculty for Cath. Theology Erfurt/Philosophy.
2022 Presenter, The Techno-Tamaladas, at Decolonial Media Art Beyond 530 Years: the future-past vs. coloniality SPARKS talk (Short Presentations of Artworks & Research for the Kindred Spirit), ACM | SIGGRAPH Digital Arts Committee.
2021 Lecture, Indigenous Art in the Americas, focused on art and technology of Andean cultures, University of Guelph in Ontario, Canada.
2021 Panelist, The Techno-Tamaladas, on the Artistic Expression, Activism & Technological Imaginaries panel at the Un/Predictable Environments: Politics, Ecology, Agency conference, co-hosted by the Public Humanities Hub at UBC-Vancouver and the School of History, Anthropology, Philosophy and Politics at Queen’s University Belfast, in collaboration with the University of Allahabad, India.
2021 Presenter, with Larval Rock Stars, of our album release of BRAIN GOO, at Mind thGAP of the Transgenic Human Genome Alternatives Project, Hackteria, Zurich, Switzerland.
2021 Panelist, The Techno-Tamaladas, Feminist Voices on Climate Change and Environmental Justice, University of Albany, Albany, New York.
2021 Panelist, Corpo-Poeticas de Lorena LoPena y Celicia Vilca, BODY-POETICS AND IMAGINARIES TECHNO-SCIENTISTS, Elgalpon Space, Lima, Peru.
2021 Presenter, Temporary Utopias, at the Theory at Home event with Mentoring Artists for Women’s Art in Winnipeg, Canada - via Zoom.
2020 Lecture, “The Techno-Tamaladas” for the Art History Lecture Series of the University of Guelph in Ontario, Canada.
2020 Lecture, “Arts of Indigenous Andean Cultures: El Quipu” for the University of Guelph in Ontario, Canada.
2020 Lecture, “Larval Futures and the Pedagogy of the Pluriverse” with my larval twin Anuj Vaidya as part of Strike U's UNSETTLING THE PRESENT: FEMIQUEER FRAMES, in collaboration with Dr. Fawzia Afzal-Khan’s (Montclair State University) Feminist Theory class.
2020 Lecture on my art practice, for the Global Activist Arts class at Indiana State University.
2020 Lecture, “The Techno-Tamaladas” for the Taking Arts to the Streets class at the University of California at Santa Cruz.
2020 Presenter, “Queercornu(c/t)opia” for the Living Room Light Exchange online Zoom book release party for Publication 5: Rare Earth: The Ground is Not Digital.
2020 Panelist, “The Techno-Tamaladas” Arts of Resistance Panel, Latinx Politics: Resistance, Disruption, & Power conference, Latinx Project, New York University.
2020 Lecture, “Strategic Cyber Activism: Surveillance and Resistance in Action” for Strike University.
2020 Lecture, “Embodied Vocabularies'“ for Indigenous Research Methodology class, University of Alberta, Alberta, Canada
2020 Lecture, “Strategic Cyber Activism: Surveillance and Resistance in Action” for Graduate Cohort, California Institute of Integral Studies.
2020 Lecture, “Creating Community: Big Daddy’s Rejuvenating Community Garden and La Milpa of the Techno-Tamaladas” for Creating Community class, California Institute of Integral Studies.
2020 Lecture, “Embodied Vocabularies'“ for Indigenous Land Based Education class, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Canada
2020 Lecture, “The Techno-Tamaladas” for Other Ways of Knowing: Alternative Epistemologies, Rival Knowledges, and Systems of Justice class, California Institute of Integral Studies.
2020 Lecture, “The Techno-Tamaladas” for Pedagogical Art and Social Practice class, Cal State East Bay.
2020 Lecture, “The Techno-Tamaladas” for Artist as Citizen: Introduction to Community-Based Arts Practice class, Berkeley City College.
2020 Lecture, “The Techno-Tamaladas” for Making/Faking Nature class at Pratt Institute in Brooklyn, New York.
2020 Lecture, “The Techno-Tamaladas” for Critical Making class of the School of Arts, Technology, and Emerging Communication at the University of Texas at Dallas.
2020 Lecture, Baudrillard’s Simulacra, Algorithmic Injustice, Indigenous Futurity. Artificial Aesthetics Graduate Seminar, California College of the Arts, Oakland, CA
2019 Lecture, “Performance, Temporary Utopias, and Molecular Agency,” Noontime Lecture Series, Performance Studies Program, UC Davis.
2019 Lecture, “Temporary Utopias in the Extractocene,” Primeval Intersections Performance Workshop class, California College of the Arts, Oakland, CA
2019 Artist’s Talk, “Art in the Extractocene,” for Public Art class, University of California, Santa Cruz, CA
2019 Artist’s Talk, for Art in it’s Place class, Saint Mary’s College of California, Moraga, CA.
2018 Panelist, “The NO!!!BOT: Situating the Web of the Necro-Techno Complex,” Arousal Panel at Taboo, Transgression and Transcendence in Art and Science. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), Mexico City, Mexico.
2018 Talk, "The Extractocene: Automation, Parasitism, Cannibalism, Fakism" for Automation Gone Awry, CODAME #Artobots Art+Tech Festival, San Francisco, CA.
2018 Panelist, “EcoDomics and the Glitch: Art, Data, Theory,” with Dr. Ignacio Valero, Age of Platforms Panel, College Art Association, Los Angeles, CA.
2018 Roundtable, "Energy Plan for the Western Man: Art after Capitalism," Imagining Post-Capitalism Festival, Eric Quezada Center for Culture and Politics, San Francisco, CA.
2018 Artist’s Talk, Living Room Light Exchange, Oakland, CA.
2016 Panelist, “Glitching the Cult of the Techno-Logic,” Affective Encounters Panel, National Women's Studies Association, Montreal.
2016 Lecture, “It’s a Big Mess: Non | Sense Making on a Damaged Planet.” Invited Lecture for Young Lungs Research Series, Winnipeg, Canada.
2016 Lecture, “Mapping Identity: A Decolonizing Art Practices Project” UC Davis.
2016 Lecture, “Glitching the Cult of the Techno-Logic” Graduate Fine Arts Satellite Lecture Series, California College of the Arts, San Francisco, CA.
2016 Artists Talk, Urban Shaman Contemporary Aboriginal Gallery Winnipeg, Canada.
2015 Panelist, “Playing the Lead: Feminism in Media Art and Gaming.” Feminist Art Conference, Ontario College of Art and Design, Toronto, Canada
2015 Discussant. Cyrk Salon on Intersectional Alliances. Winnipeg, Canada
2015 “Contemporary Latina/o Ritual in Performance Art,” Guest Lecturer for “Indigenous Spirituality and Contemporary Art,” Department of Religion and Culture, University of Winnipeg.
2014 Lecture, “Decolonizing Art Practices.” Cartae Open School of Ace Art, Winnipeg, Canada.
2014 Guest Interlocutor, launch of ArtLink Magazine issue on BioArt with Dr. Melentie Pandilovski. Video Pool/ACE Art. Winnipeg, Canada
2014 Presenter, “Core Issues in Cyber World Ethics.” Digital Humanities and Cultural Democracy Workshop, Introducing the HIVE Projects. University of Winnipeg.
2013 Moderator, “Toxic Life and Engineered Death Symposium.” Plug In Institute of Contemporary Art/VideoPool. Winnipeg, Canada
2013 Panelist, “Say Yes! The Art of Sex, Blood and Politics in IGM (Intentional Genetic Modification of the Human Genome)” with Adam Zaretsky. Society for Literature, Science and the Arts, University of Notre Dame, Indiana.
2013 Guest Lecturer, “Techknowledgies and Feminist (dis)Engagement,” New Media, Culture Jamming and the Third Wave, University of Winnipeg, Canada.
2013 Guest Lecturer, “Latina Artists in the Techno-Sphere” Mentoring Artists for Women in the Arts, Winnipeg, Canada
2013 Post-Doctoral Fellowship Lecture, “Embodied Theory in the TechnoSphere,” University of Winnipeg, Canada
2012 Artists Talk, Saint Mary’s College of California, Moraga, CA.
2011 Artists Talk, DRA 10 Course, UC Davis, Davis, CA
2011 Panelist, “SARLAR PRESENTS.” Theories of Eco-Sex Panel,” Eco-Sex Symposium, Center for Sex and Ecology, SF, CA
2010 Panelist, “MultiSpecies Salon.” NatureCulture Conference, Society for Cultural Anthropology, Santa Fe, New Mexico.
2010 Artists Talk, DRA 10 Course, UC Davis, Davis, CA
2010 Artists Talk, Galeria Miau Miau, San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico
2009 Panelist, “Sustainable Computing.” Town Hall on Sustainability at the Computers & Writing Conference, University of California Davis, Davis, CA
2009 Panelist, Global Disconnects: The Internet and Human Trafficking Conference, UC Berkeley
2009 Panelist, “TechnoIntervention and Reanimating History,” Hastings Law School, SF, CA
2008 Panelist, “Art and Radical Resistance.” Radical Philosophers Association Conference: Art, Praxis and Social Transformation,” San Francisco State University, SF, CA
2008 Panelist, “Tactical Trade Show,” UCIRA Conference, UC Riverside, Riverside, CA
2008 Panelist, “Performance: Readers, Writers & Technology Conference,” UC Davis, Davis, CA
2008 Panelist, “Identity, Performance, Representation: New Modes of Interpretation in the Humanities,” UC Davis, Davis, CA
2007 Panelist and Moderator, Eco-Artists Roundtable, The Oakland Museum of California, Oakland, California
2007 Artists Talk, Mills College, Oakland, CA
2007 Guest Lecturer, “Cyber Realidades,” Eco-Art Matters, Laney College, Oakland, CA
2006 Artists Talk, University of California at Davis, Davis, California
2006 Panelist, “Technology in the Service of Social Change,” Seminar in Experimental Critical Theory, UC Irvine, Irvine, CA
2006 Roundtable, “The School of Panamerican Unrest,” Museum of African Diaspora/Mexican Museum, SF, CA
2006 Artists Talk, De Young Museum, San Francisco, California
2006 Guest Lecturer, “Interventionist Performance Strategies,” SF State University, SF, CA
2006 Guest Lecture, “Agent Provocateur: Interventionist Storytelling,” Tactics and Critics Series, University of Southern Illinois, Carbondale, Illinois
2005 Guest Lecturer, "MediaScape," State University of New York at Albany, Albany, New York
2005 Artist Talk, State University of New York at Albany, Albany, New York
2004 Panelist “Use, Misuse and Appropriation,” Powering Up/Powering Down Conference on Radical Media Arts, University of California San Diego, San Diego, CA
2004 Guest Lecturer, "PrabATELIER, Interactive Seminar," Studio XX, Montreal, Canada
2004 Artist Talk, Le Local, Montreal, Canada
2004 Guest Lecturer, “From Intervention to Artervention,” John F. Kennedy University, Berkeley
2003 Guest Lecturer, “From Public Art to DSLR-West,” University of San Francisco, SF
2003 Guest Lecturer, “Manipulative, Coercive Landscapes,” San Jose State University, San Jose
2003 Guest Lecturer, “DSLR-West,” Laney College, Oakland
2003 Guest Lecturer, “From Technotopia to Technopocalypse,” Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago, Illinois
2003 Workshop, “Art Strategies of the Surveillance Society,” Version3.Fest, Chicago, Illinois
2003 Guest Lecturer, “Chicano Collaborations in the New World,” Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island
2002 Guest Lecturer, “Histories in Installation Art,” San Francisco State University, SF.
2002 Guest Lecturer, “Fruitvale Historic Markers,” Oakland Heritage Alliance, Oakland.
2002 Panel, “Women in Technology,” Int’l Museum of Women; Inst for Women & Technology, XeroxParc, Palo Alto.
2002 Guest Lecturer, “Cultural Activism in Global Organizing,” University of California, Davis.
2001 Guest Lecturer, “Culture and Social Change,” Crossing Borders Summer Inst, UC Santa Cruz
2001 Guest Lecturer, “Collaborative Processes,” Graduate Dept of Interarts, SF State University.
2001 Panelist, “Using Language as a Tool for Social Change,” Living Word Conference, SF, CA
2001 Panelist, “Framed Media Representations of Crime and Punishment,” Critical Resistance Conference, Berkeley, CA
2001 Panelist, “Restrained Abundance: Social Issues in Latin American Art,” SF Museum of Modern Art, SF, CA
2000 Visiting Artist, Graduate Department of Conceptual Information Arts, SF State University.
1999 Guest Lecturer, “Guerilla Modem,” Lecture on Web Artivism at Media Alliance, SF.
1999 Panelist, “Alternative Media Conference,” University of San Francisco, SF, CA
1998 Guest Lecturer, “Scratch Disk Lecture Series,” Grad Dept Conceptual Information Arts, SF State University.
1998 Guest Lecturer, “Social Art Tactics” class, MFA Program, SF State University.
1998 Artist Panel, “Saints, Icons & Alteregos: Redefining the Art of Devotion,” MACLA San Jose.
1997 Guest Lecturer, “Contemporary Artists Series,” BFA Program, UC Berkeley.
1997 Artist Panel, “Home Grown: Fields of Califas,” Galeria de la Raza, S.F.
1996 Guest Lecturer, “Recent Work,” Folsom Street Interchange Gallery, S.F.
1996 Artist Panel, “Go Unnoticed; Images of Regeneration,” Galeria de la Raza, S.F